1973-1974 Yearbook

Rho takes first in 1973 speedball can't be the sun, be a star" - the motto of Zeta Rho is carried over in their 1ll11tern. Each of the stars eight points stands for one of the characteristics of is spoken ofin II Peter I :5-8. The mutual improvement of its members in living has been the express purpose since the founding of the club in 1961. and Bill Fowle r, fall beaux, coached their speedball team through tough to take the first place position. 111:.~;~s~;~ was fill ed with the plans for their banquet on January 26 centered II things of life. Sendi ng tape recordings overseas to other Christians part of the clubs' service project. 1. Barnen 2. Nesbitt 3. Aly 4. McKissick 5. Abney 6. Robinson 7. Morrow 8. Aldrich 9. Myles 10. Fincher 11 . Pepper 12. Granger 13. Chaffin 14. Archer, Sec. 15. Woods, Vic&- Pres. 16. Phelps 17. Nash, Beau 18. D. Case, Pres. 19. Fowler, Beau 20. Jones 21. Milner 22. L. Case 23. Huffard 24. Kirchner 25. Palmer 26. Moser 27 . aaur, Treas. 28. Williams 29. Riddell 30. Grant 31. Stites 32. McMennamy 33. lewis 34. Bachman 35. Holloway 36. Atkison 37. Muncy, Sponsor.