1973-1974 Yearbook

As Harding students began the new school year, they found themselves caught up in diverse areas of campus life and work. The new student center rapidly became the hub of campus life, but the library remained more important. S. A.·sponsored functions and daily classed tended to shut out national and inter· national problems, yet some could not be ignored. The Watergate fiasco caused widespread comments and speculation; feelings ran from disgust to the cynical "I-toldyou·so." Mass television coverage insured maximum exposure , but it also nauseated the public. While not pleased with the events, the American people retained their confidence in their unique political system. As a spin-offofthe national scene , there emerged a more responsible student approach to campus elections - more students were involved this year than in previous years. As the year progressed more problems arose , both on campus and across the nation. 20 I INTRODUCTION