Man's basic activity in life is growth - physical, mental, social and spiritual - because whatever is not growing is dying. Plant or animal, institution or man, all must grow or die. An an institution Harding is growing: a record enrollment of more than 2300 students, three new social clubs, two new buildings. and more to come, and a renewed spirit of involvement. With representatives from 4S states and 17 foreign nations, Harding 's family is growing. The mushrooming perplexity of life on this planet calls for increased growth in awareness, responsibility and communication. Spiralling prices and a rocketing inflation put the squeeze on college students as well as on the average man in the streets. This was evident in higher text book prices, large cafeteria bills, increased tuition costs, and still more state and local taxes to pay. Understanding and empathy were developed here on campus through being close to God, knowing His plan for us, and then spreading the flame was greater biblical wisdom, tempered with wholesome recreation and forged to brightness as we developed newly-found mechanical skills. Volume L Harding College Searcy I Arkansas Ken Kendall ·Ball Editor Janabeth Smith Business Manager Dr. Joseph Pryor Sponsor TABLE OF CONTENTS Student Life ...... .... ...... 30 Academics .... " ... ...... .. 56 Classes . . . .... " ...... ..... 88 Personalities .. " . .... ..... 144 Organizations ....•........ 162 Social Clubs ........ _. _.... 200 Sports .................... 244 Academy ............... .. 2M6 Advertisements ............ 336 Directory ..........•.. .... 382 Epilog .................. . 398 INTRODUCTION / 19