1973-1974 Yearbook

Pre American Studies hosts Wilbur Mills as guest speaker Established to combine academic and practical worlds for Business, Economic , History, and Political Science majors, the Amen'can Studies invited disti nguished speakers to participate in their meetings. Outstanding men, such as Wilbur D. Mills, Howard K. Smith, Dr. Jack Evans,and Dr . George Benson gave the students first-hand information on our government and economic systems. During the year, tours of well -known Dallas and Chicago businesses gave the students an opportunity to meet and observe business giants at work. General Motors, Fidelity Union Life Insurance. and Merrill Lynch were favorites in Dallas. 1. SPEAKING against communism in our government, Dr. Benson highly recommends Tragedy and Hop• . 2. SOLUTIONS for today's racial problems are of major concern to Dr. Evans and Dean Oliver. 3. AMERICAN STUDIES. FRONT ROW: Cone, Milton, Keck , Abney. Holland, Myles, Wolf, Rahree. SECOND ROW: McCord . Herrington, Fonville, McKinney. Baddeley. Williams, Steuart, Narry. Jan White, Joan White, Gray. Garner. THIRD ROW: Smith, Eubanks, Shunk, VanRheenen. King, Betts, O. W . House, Oliver, Patchell , Lough, Turner, Morgan, FOURTH ROW: Kelly, Moon, Wells, Lillard, McClafferty, Brown, Phillips, Tucker, Ganus, Henderson, Anderson, O. House. 3 AMERICAN STUDIES / 199