third straight title in business games Successfully defending its national title in Atlanta in March, the Emory B"siness Team became the fIrst team ever to win the games three times in a row. Winning top national honors, Harding faced competition from such prominent universities as Auburn, Brandeis , Notre Dame and Vanderbilt. Because of the over abundance of business talent at Harding, the Reno Business Team was organized for the fIrst time to compete against such noted western schools as the universities of Denver, Nevada and Oregon. These games are designed to test students' ability to apply their classroom skills in making sound decisions for simulated business situations. As a result of the school's success in these games, a number of the nation's most prominent business men visited the campus looking for accounting and management recruits. 1. EMORY BUS1NESS TEAM. FRONT ROW: Fowler. Herrington. SECOND ROW: House, Yeager, Eubanks. 2. RENO BUSINESS TEAM. McKinnev. Daniels. Phillips, House. 198 / BUSINESS TEAMS