,. • AHEA singers spread cheer, joy to prisoners, widows A basic goal of the Student National Education Association was stimulating the highest ideals of professional ethics, attitudes, and growth in future teachers. Monthly meetings of the SNEA were centered around the Christian view of education and the problems and remedies of discipline. The local chapter hosted a leadership conference at the Wyldewood Retreat Center during the fall. One project of the Fren ch club was writing to French speaking Christians in Europe, Canada, and Africa. These letters encouraged both missionaries and Christians to remain faithful. The club strengthened its interests in the language by conducting French spoken games and songs in their meetings. Just before Christmas vacation, the Arkansas Home Economics Association spent an afternoon singing carols and brightening the lives of the Searcy prisoners. In addition to this a canned foods drive and a dinner for some of the widows of College Church were held. 196 / DEPARTMENTAL • • • , ...