Behavioral Science aids students with Hot Line program Conducting a Hot Line was the major project of the Behavioral Science Club. The Hot Line was open to everyone from I to II p.m. daily. The members also assisted Lieutenant-Governor Riley in the advertising of the Arkansas Mental Health program. Throughout the year. the Scieflce CIII b headed ecology projects for the improvement of the environment in the Searcy community. Attending the annual meeting of the Arkansas CO ll egiate Academy of Science climaxed the year for the club. Students planning careers in physical education were urged to join the Pemm Cillb. These members exhibited interest in physical education both as a science and as an activity. Early in the year, members of the Art Gllild traveled to Chicago to view a water color exhibition. Major projects for the club included sponsoring the Third Drawer and sidewalk exhibits and sales. 1. BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE CLUB . FRONT ROW: Bruning, Halteman, Robinson, Cooper, Wylie. SECOND ROW, Myers. Hill , East, Hjtmilton, Parrish. THIRD ROW: Sutherlin, McDaniel, Verkler, Woodward, Younger, Nelson. 194 / DEPARTMENTAL