Spelunkers seek thrills underground, explore new caves Discovering, exploring, and mapping the caves of Arkansas were projects of the Harding Spelullkers. They sought adventure and excitement by crawling through holes and water searching for some of nature's hidden beauties. The member's chose, "Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but tracks, and kill nothing but time" as their policy throughout the year. Because of a mutual interest in women everywhere, the Harding Busin ess Women arranged their monthly meetings around the theme, "Women Around the World." Each meeting featured a particular country and its customs. Upon returning from a trip to the Republic of China, Dr. H. C. Palmer headed the discussion on the women's role and place in China. All foreign students interested in sharing their homeland cultures were invited to become members of the [lltematiollal Club. During the 1974 year , 17 different countries were represented on the Harding campus. The club began its year with a pot-luck dinner featuring dishes from each member's homeland. 192 / SPECIAL INTERESTS