WSRO action sets 2 new dress code for Harding coeds Established to provide leadership opportunities and improve conditions for women students, the Women's Student Representative Organization performed a variety of functions ranging from sponsoring a faculty tea to aiding in the revision of the dress code for women. Aided by Dean Wood , the grou p made the needs and desires of the women known to the administration. Early in the year, WSRO initiated the collection of funds for the future transformation of the Kendall basement into a women 's recreation center. 1. WSRO. FRONT ROW: V. Hill, Holloway, Schramm, Fonville, SECOND ROW: Beavert, Thomas. Choat., Shares, M. Hill. THIRD ROW: Allen, Garner, Groves, Bigham, 5chmedel, Shackelford. 2. ENJOYING their new dress code privileges, Kathy Smith and Freda Markum spend their Sunday afternoon sunning. 184 / WOMEN'S COUNCIL