... __-r____ Forensic squad ranl{s in top 10 colleges in nation For the third time in recent years, the Harding Debate team was named in the top ten colleges in the nation in total sweepstake points accumulated during the year. having placed first in the 1973 national Pi Kappa Delta forensics meet. In the Bradley University tour· nament in Peoria. Illinois. the team placed second surpassing such noted colleges as USc. Northwestern, Purdue, University of Chicago. Notre Dame, and University of Michigan. Also. competing against 4S colleges and universities. Joe Corum and Joe Cardat received the highest total speaker points in the junior division in a tournament at Central State University in Edmond. Oklahoma. Working long hours. the Campus Players assisted in the design and construction of sets and costumes for major drama productions and presented skits and oral readings for coffee houses and chapel programs throughout the year. During February, the members entertained the residents of the Morrilton Children's Home with a Reader's Theatre. Highlighting the Players' year was the spring project of painting the Little Theatre. SPEECH GROUPS I 183