1. BISON BAND. FRONT ROW: Cunningham, N. Jackson, Greene, D. Peters, Mallery. Young, Stroup, Kratzer, Manchester. SECOND ROW: Casey, Woodhouse, Burcham, Peyton, Morton, Carns, Hollingsworth, Goodin, Howell, Benge; S. Cox, Lewis, Roberts, Prather, Reed. TH IRD ROW: J . Jackson, Burns, Hedrick, Johnson, Myslivecek, Scott, Smith, J. Johnson, Pemberton, C. Romine. McBurney, S. Romine, Bryant, Malone. Loney, Ricker, Barron, Jones. Morgan, Wolfe, Vaughn, M. Cox, Hudson. FOURTH ROW. Klemm, J. Cox, Stevens, Cross. Miller, McCubbin, Ong, West, Word, Shepherd, Tucker. FIFTH ROW: Mr. George Baggett (sponserl. Nash, Holder, Castle, Peters, Cowan, Fonville, Estes. Patchell. 2. CONCLUDING a ha lftime performance, the band forms the t raditional Harding "H," 3. EXHIBITING its talen ts at halftime, the band presents a program of spirited marching music. 4. PRACTICING the fight song, Jim Cox, Mr. Baggett, and Dave Shepherd make ready for the comi ng game. 5. PEP BAND. FRONT TOW: Fonvi lle, Patchell, Prather. SECOND ROW: Vaughn, Jackson, Burns, Cunningham, Casey, Estes. THIRD ROW: Hudson, Ricker, Shepherd , Holder, Cox. MUSIC GROUPS / 181