Bison Band plays in Heber Springs Christmas parade Endless hours were spent by the Bi!loll Balld members practicing drills and musical pieces to make the 1974 band Harding's best. As a result of the acquired skills. the band was featured in the Heber Springs Christmas Parade. the White County Fair Parade. and the Harding Homecoming Parade. The band also demonstrated its musical skills during football pre-game and ha lf-time programs and in parades. concerts . and a tour of nearby states. Three concerts were conducted on campus for the pleasure and entertainment of the college and Searcy area. Organized to boost student enthusiasm. the Pep Band presented spirited musical programs for all pep rallies and football and basketball games. During the spring. the band aided enrollment by arousing the interests of prospective students through the presentation of programs in local hi gh schools. 180 / MUSIC GROUPS