1973-1974 Yearbook

.4. a J'apidly expanding campus. From small and insignificant begiDnings in many places was born the great in. stitution thati, Harding College. The college's physical facilities have expanded from the original 29 acre campus to oYer 100 a.:res today. and the value is now estimated at more than S25 mution. but there is more to this SU_55 story than money or buildings. For fifty years Harding has been busy serving students and community, and the physical growth is a reflection of this service. Students from almost all the States and from 17 foreign nations come to drink at the Harding fountain of knowledge. and retom to their homes to carry on the tradition of service. Our business i. to educate for eternity. and this is a major reason that Harding is suc' ceeding where so many others have failed. As long as we fonow these goals and Ideals the.so;hool will continue to grow in size in order to serve a greater number. HardIng is more than brick and mortar, It is people helping people.