1973-1974 Yearbook

2. A CAPPELLA. FRONT ROW: B. Ulrey, Johnson, Brooks, Mills, J . Rhodes, Parham, B. Whittington, McCorkle, Powers, C. Dillard, Buey. Dooley. A. Ulrey. Arnold, Curtis, Rogers, B. Roper, Green. SECOND ROW: D. Baines, Sewell, Hendricks, C. Campbell, Loney. Oshirn, Woods, Underwood, F. Whittington, l. Campbell . O. Dillard, Byers, Pullara , Archer, Cunningham, Matheny. Hayes. THIRD ROW: Palmer, Steffins. Schmedel , Hull, Polk, langston, Martin, Pitchford, Hurd, LaRue, Daniel, Morris, Blackwell, Henley, Bates, Grant. FOURTH ROW: Pullen, J . Roper, D. Johnson, Taylor, Beck, McLain, Matthews, Ganus, Mayhall, Clark, Robinson, Benson, Payet. FIFTH ROW: Winters. DePriest, K. Rhodes, Holder, J. Baines, Carter, Kilgore, Jones, Tipps, Trotter, Busby, Klemm. 3. DURING the A Cappella reception, Or. Davis, Mr. Lynn and Dr. Royse share triumphant emotions for the chorus. 4. ADDING to the events of the day" A Cappella performs skillfully at the Student Center dedication. MUSIC GROUPS / 175