A Cappella records weekly program of music and scripture Seventy-seven of Harding's most outstanding singers achieved membership in the A Cappella chorus. Under the direction of Dr. Ken Davis, the chorus recorded a weekly IS-minute "Hymns from Harding" radio program. This program was a public service presentation of scriptures and songs. Extensive fall and spring tours, weekend trips, and campus programs constituted the chorus's live performances. During a January campus concert, A Cappella premiered a sevenpart composition entitled "Worship." Dr. George Lynn composed this work especially for the chorus. As goodwill ambassadors, the Belles and Beaux toured nearby schools and states aiding the Admissions office in recruiting. In the fall , the group presented a show especially for the Harding family. Contemporary music characterized all of the group 's shows. 1. BELLES AND BEAUX. FRONT ROW: J. Roper, Parham , Busby, Green, Beck. SECOND HUW: B. Hoper, McLain, Polk, Powers, Pullen, Dooley. THIRD ROW: Steffins, DePriest, Clark, Tipps, Henley. FOURTH ROW: Cox. 174 I MUSIC GROUPS