Students put Christianity into action in Searcy Students interested in mission work were encouraged by the Mission Studies to specialize in one particular area of the world. To help these students decide where they would like to spread the gospel, missionaries from New Zealand, Australia, and Iron Curtain countries spoke at bi-monthly meetings. Stemming from this program was the Brazil Campaign. In this campaign, the gospel was spread to thousands of people in that country. J.O. Y. - Jesus ftrst, others second, and yourself last, was a women '5 Christian leadership group that replaced Les Bonnes de Christe. Projects were organized and sponsored by a large number of girls to help the elderly, conduct Saturday Bible hours, encourage dorm devotionals, and become Christian Sisters Aids. The Timothy Club sponsored three seminars during the year that were open to all students. During these seminars, expository, evangelistic and mission preaching were discussed extensively. 172 I RELIGIOUS GROUPS 3