1. BISON EDITOR Robyn Smith and sponsor Dr. Neil Cope. 2. ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Rock Long, eylla Merriman, Mackye Sandlin. 3. BUSINESS MANAGER Rickey Betts. 4. PHOTOGRAPHERS: Veale, Merriman, Lively. 5. LOOKING over his newly developed film, Bob Merriman prepares pictures for the paper. 6. SPORTS EDITORS: Peddle, McGee, Comotto, Poe. 7. PROOFREADING her manuscript, Sandy Stewart prepares it for the press. 8. STAFF. FRONT ROW: Barnett, Mann, C. Jones, Kellar. SECOND ROW: Sandlin, Foxx. Oswald, Lewis. THIRD ROW: H. Stewart, King , Edwards, Davis, McGee. FOURTH ROW: McClurg, Carey, S. Stewart, E. Jones. STUDENT PUBLICATIONS / 169