at Harding 1. DEVOTIONALS 'round tho lily pool conducted by Andy T. Ritchie and other spiritual giants are meaningful experiences enjoyed by many Harding students. 2. WORK is considered honorable at Harding and many young men have helped finance their education through work on the College Farm. 3. GUIDING the Art Department to its present state of excellence is Elizabeth Mason who has been professor of art since 1946. 4. SERVING the needs of students for 40 years has been the Pattie Cobb Cafeteria. here pictured in the era of the 4o-cent dinner. 5. FRIENDLINESS has characterized Harding students through the years, exemplified by these girts of yesteryears in a room in Cathcart Hall. 6. LEGEND has it that the Galloway ghost which haunted old Godden Halt was buried after Godden Hall was torn down but legend also has it that the ghost resides in the Music Building which was built from mdterials in Godden Hall 7. SPACIOUS is the Inn of Ganus Student Center compared to the pre-1951 Inn in the basement of Panie Cobb Hall. HISTORY / 15