1973-1974 Yearbook

1. BUSINESS MANAGER Jana Smith, FACULTY ADVISOR Dr. Joe Pryor, and EDITOR Ken Kendall-Ball. 2. FINAL touches in film deveklping are supplied by Kirk Sewell. 3. SECTION EDITORS: FRONT ROW. Wimberly. Copley, Long, R. Bledsoe. SECOND ROW. B. Bledsoe, Pullara, Hogan, Bigham. 4. ASSISTANT BUSINESS MANAGER Barbara McKinney, and ASSISTANT EDITOR Dianne Garner. 5. PHOTOGRAPHERS Kirk Sewell and B. J. Pryor. 6. PREPARING copy for the final deadline is sports editor Randy Hogan. 7. DIRECTING the efforts of Mike Pullara and Belinda Bledsoe in meeting their deadlines is Editor Ken Kendall-Ball. 8. ASSISTANTS: Harris, Hamilton, Smelser, Norris. STUDENT PUBLICATIONS / 167