1973-1974 Yearbook

Harding chapter of ALPHA CHI hosts 1974 regional meet Since the Arkansas Eta Chapter of Alpha Chi was installed at Harding College on March I , 1957, the chapter has been very active in regional and national affairs . Eleven members of the chapter attended the 1973 biennial national meeting in St. Louis and five presented numbers on the student programs. Swaid N. Swaid, a 1973 senior biology major and pre-medical student , was elected to a two-year term on the National Council. Dr. Joseph E. Pryor , a sponsor of the chapter, has served as national Secretary-Treasurer since 1970, following 11 years as Secretary-Treasurer of Region II. The 1974 biennial meeting of Region II was hosted on the Harding campus April 4-6. The theme of the meeting was "The Ecology and Energy Crises." Previously, the Arkansas Eta Chapter had hosted the 1960 regional meeting. RICHARD EARL PAINE repeats the Alpha Chi pledge at the fall induction as Dr. Joseph E. Pryor, Sponsor, presides at the ceremony. Dr. Don E.... net .. Dr. Ntole T. Pryor . . .. Sponsor .... Sponsor . .Journalism ....lilt.. M....NI"'laU, ""0 . D. Iy., Smlttt, Vic, r..... . Lynda HoY'" Sec. . .American Studits . ... French & Sec. Scienc• . . .Elementory Education . .... Bible & Social Work J..... lay a.,.,., T..... a-t•• I. Wren". Rep. Lyd.... lay Aldrich Inlle, I. IVl.burpr .. . ... Elementary Education ... Accounting St.phen AI,Iat.,t . . .......... . · .. Mathematics .Accounting W.ndy I.. Baddeley . lmily I... nt Bahler . Nancy Loul•• Ion., .. Neld, lou a.tt,.. .. · ... Psychology . .... Chemistry . Elementary Education J,nke S.. I,ur ........ . ......... Missions Ody J....", . . . . .. . ..... Elementary Education Itichanl W'Y" I,,,, . . ..... Accounting Iwrt lM IlctcklNm . . . . . . ... Bible n,.o"" l. Bnrttr .......... Jomolism & Pol. Science Itobert G. I.... ...... .... Special Eduu"ion David I.,. C.. ,MlI . . . .. Social Sc,ence 1(••" C. Chamblee . I.r Stephen Clary Bonn" Annttt. Cone ... . John Stephen Cooper .... . ..... Elementary Education · ... Accounting ...... Accounting ......... .Bibl. Jam" M. Co... y ......... , . ..... Social Science ·General Scienc• . . . . . Bible Conn" lub, DebIt• ..... J,,", lldoconl D.... ............. . 160 / ALPHA CHI