1. PROVIDING excellent facilittes for an ouUitending undergraduate art program is the Mildred Taylor Stevens Memorial Art Center constructed in 1969.2. COMPLETED during 1965, just before the retirement of Or. George S. Benson as president. Is the John Mabee American Heritage Center, designed for a continuation education center but utilized as a multi-purpO'Se building to meet the needs of expanding enrollments 3. RECORDING the Harding A Cappella chorus has developed in 25 years into 8 major activity replete With excellent technicel facihties. 4. COMPLEMENTING the outstanding program that Harding has had in the natural sciences for years is the well-equipped, modern New Science Bu~ding constructed in 1967. 5. ENROLLMENT increases during the sixties require the construction in 1968 of Stephens Hall, the first air-conditioned residence hall for women. 6. CONSTRUCTED In 1971, Harbin Hall is the second air-conditioned residence hall for men, 7. EVIDENCE of the excellent art program at Harding i6 found in numerous high ratings achieved by art majors in various colleg~te exhibits. HISTORY / 13