1973-1974 Yearbook

Deeade of Development plos _lIitof excellence" mark __l:acJle of Ganus' tenn ~ in the "Decade of Development" ,:;;~=: of the Recording Studin. the New E1 Slepheas Hall. Keller Hall. completion of _~ ..... Music: Center. the MUdred Taylor Stevens UIIlItel'. HarbIn HaD. the Beaumont Memorial ~~II! Ud Media Center. the Ganus Building ~:aau_ Hammoa Student Center. ~n. Harding has expaDded its i~iS~:aceDenee;r.~ enrollment and its aims i its _-present. ulldedying goal - remained outstallding with the Petit 14 straight ~ as an All-American student$ won the National Business times aDd the International Competition at Michigan State to retirll the Dr. W. J. E. Crissy trophy. • ArkaDsu lIltercolIegiat ConIDd three NAlA national cham· farther grant funds from