Quiet comers, friends offer time to relax FINDING a quiet corner in the Student Center, students relax between classes . C.dot, Jo•• ph ......... Tulsa, OK ( ••" Kathy Sn . . . .Shreveport, LA (...,..11, Rea.-eta ............ Dayton. OH (Drttr, De"'" . . . .Valdosta. GA c.rt.r, Wililm . . . Cincimoti, OH Ca.tllo, lath..." ........... Vallejo, CA (utit , .rlttina ........... longmont . CO Ca..., D,nI•• ........... Bettendorf, IA CaVl, Dougla. . .. Gainesyille, Fl Ctll.', St,",n ............. Godfrey , Il CMrry, Colyin ............. Phoeni:lt, AZ Chi.m, hrry ............. Childress , TX elDric, Col"n . . .......... Nashville. AR Clartc, Conni• ............ Rochester. NY Oart.Ooyid . CIori<, M...., I. "ary. Y onk:a . Claulen. ChristiM Cine, Gory ...... . Coehron. Noney . Col" Mit....1 ...... locey, WA · .. Moss Point. MS · ... Carbondole, Il · ... Clearwater, Fl ... Lima, OH ........ . Hobbs, NM . .. Horrison, AR CoilnI, lo.tmory . . ... Poritersborg, WV Compton, Janiet ..... Longview, TX Cook, GMnoro ..... Hooma , LA Cop"Y, Twlla . . ......... Seorcy, AR Corbett, Dt" ......... Olive Branch, MS Corum, Jo.tph ......... Konsos City , mJ Cowan, Dtbonlh ........... Memphis, TN Cowlty, Vlek' .. N. Little Rock , AR COl, GeroW . . ........... Sentinel, OK Crobtnt, Robert ... . Porogoold, AR Cl"CIWford, hit.. . . ...... EI Dorodo, AR Crick, Georgia . . . . . ... Lepanto, AR Curti.,latittriM ....... Judsonia , AR Doniel, Johll ............ Combridge, MD Dcnt.., CYlithie .Elizabethtown, PA Do"nport, Dtllni• ........... Flippin, AR Do"ill.on, 0....1 ..... Inglewood, CA Do"i., Juli. . ............. Newport , AR Do"i., S"'ny . . . . ... Searcy , AR DIYI., Stephen . Seorcy, AR Dowi., Wi.1OIft . . . . . ... Tulso , OK Do•• OII, Olalla . . .. San Dimas , CA OIl..., Debra ............. St. Jocob, IL Dol, B.... Io, .............. Fr.. port, IL Demo...., Terry ............ Dexter, MO Denmoll, Do"id ..... Meridion, MS D;ohl, D.,101 . . ... Bockley, WV Dilllrd, Carol . . ....... Tempe, AZ 124 / SOPHOMORES