1973-1974 Yearbook

VAH IHE£NEN, CHALDON MAik. Clinton, IL. Accounting. Chi Sfgmo Alpho 1.2,3•• ; American Studies 3•• ; KHCA Stoff 1.2.3•• • Bus. Mgr. 2.3•• ; P.tit Jean Stoff 1; Delta Mu Delta 3.4; Trock 1; Intromurols 1.2.3•• . VICK, I(N FUNKLlN, JI. V.W",., GA. Physical Education. Tronsfer from Alobomo Christion College. King ' s Men 4, Vice Pres. • ; Bosketboll Monoger 2.3; SHEA 3•• ; Intromurots 2.3•• . VINn. JOHN PATRICI. Searcy, AI. Generol Science. Sub T2,3•• ; Bosketboll 1; Trock 1.2.3; tntromurols 1.2,3•• . WADI, LAllY ALUN. GeI...... I'.., MO. Biology. Transfer from University of Missouri at Columbia. Koinonia 2,3, Treas. 2; Koppo Sigmo Kappa 4; Goto Beau . ; Closs Pres. 4; Big Brothers 2; Intromurols 2. WALk(l. liLLY WAlI(N. P.....okI, FL. Sociology. Transfer from Alobamo Christian College. WALK£I, DONALD EDWAlD. (defywl", KY. Physical Education. Goloxy; Intromurols 1,2.3•• . WALI(I, J£lIY L. Seorcy, AI. Journolism. WALI(I, VIVIAN. P.",.ot., FL. Physical Education. Koppo Delta 1.2,3.4, Vice Pres . 3; PEMM Club 1,2,3,4. Vice Pres. 4; Bison Boosters 1; Chorale 1. wALnas, FOWUI MCCOY. Gte.... OCMI Sprinp, MS. Bible. Troosfer from Freed-Hordemon College. Theta Tou 4; Big Brothers 4; Timothy Club 4. wALnas, SUSAN I. Roiling Fort, MS. Home konomics. Transfer from Freed-Hordeman College . AHEA 3.4; Alpha Chi 4. WEBI, CRAIG MIRIILL. Banington. IL. Bible and Speech. Transfer from Freed-Hardemon College. Timothy Club 4. WEll, SHARON FAn. S....", AI. Sociology. Ju Go Ju 1.3,4, Pres . 4; Homecoming Queen Attendant 3; Behavioral Science Club 3.4. WilLS, DAVID MARl . 11"'''lh,,,., AL Sodology. Alpha Too Epsilon 1.2.3,4; American Studies 3.4; Bosketball1 ; Intramurals 2.3,4; Young Democrats 3. WULS, JEANNIE LOU. Fordyce, AI. Elementary Education. WHC 1,2,3,4. WIST, JOlIN WAYNE. A.. oy, GA. Engl;,h ond H;story. PI> Alpha Theta 3.4. WnnlFIELO, MICNA£L WAYNE. 1.'Ie..,., MI, English. Tmosfer from York Cot1tQe. Atpho Chi 4; ACappello Chorus 3; Comous P~yers 3.4; SHEA 3.4; Recording Chorus 3; Project Brazil 3,4; Sigma Tau Delta • . TELEVISION provides a welcome break from studies for Randy Lillard and Gerry Morgan. Televised sports often interfere with necessary studies 112 / SENIORS