Chemistry lab work provides insight to world of the atom EXPERIMENTING on a distillation problem Bryan Hudson makes a delicate adjustment to the apparatus. STEUART, ANNIE MAE, Dtlallt. TX. Business Education. O~ Phi Treos. 2, Sec. 4; Bison Boosters 1,2,3; Bisonettes 1; American Studies 4; SHEA 3,4. $TrwllT, JAMES I(NN£TH. , .... oIa, FL. Accounting and Finance. Alpha Omega 1,2,3,4. Treos . 2.3,4, Sec. 3; Bison Bond 1,2,3; Drum Major 1,2: Chorale 2,3,4, Pres. 3,4. STlns, SHARON ANNtm. ....port, n. Vocational Home Economics . Zeta Rho 1,2.3,4, Sec. 2, Pres. 3; AHEA 1,2,3,4. Vice Pres . 3, Pres. 4, Stote Pres. 4; Bison Boosters 1; Bison Stoff 1, STRICKLIN, LUll B. Bert.nUI., AI. Secretarial Science. WHC 1,2,3,4; Bison Boosters 1,3; Bisonettes 1. 1 1 ••1......._ , Pres. 4; P£MM Club 2,3,4; SHEA 4; Intramurals 2,3.4. the Yeor 3. SWAYNE, DENNIS ALDEN. Dtamr, AI. Social Science. Frater Sodolis Treas. 2. Vice Pres. 3, Pres. 4; American Studies 3.4; Phi Alpha Theta 3.4; Campaigns Northeast 4. TAYLOR, Inn JEAN. bddlng. CA. Elementary Education. Transfer from Shasta College. Delta Theta Epsilon 2,3: SHEA 4: f.kJy Fete Royalty 3. TAnOR. STANUY CARL. Diamond, MO. Physical Education. Transfer from Crowder College. TNT 3.4; PEMM Club 3.4; Bison Boosters 4; Baseball 3.4; Intramorols 3.4. Softball AII·Star 3.4. Volleyball AII·Star 3. TlU, STlPHEN E. Panama City, fl. Bible. Transfer from FreedHardeman College. Timothy Club 3.4; Mission Studies 3,4. THOMPSON. CAROl ANN. Gro... Pointe Wood•• MI. Physical Education. Delta Chi Omega 1,2,3,4; PfMM Club 3,4; JOY 4; Intramurals 1.2.3. Tennis Doubles Champion 1. THOMPSON. MARY LINDA. New lo.ton, TX. Physical Education. Delta Chi Omega 1,2,3.4; Big Sisters 2,3.4. Chairman 4; Bison Boosters 1; PEMM Club 2.3.4; SHEA 4; JOY 4. Intramorals 1,2,3,4. THOMPSON. WILLIAM NlAL. Tudeer, GA. Business Administration . Sub T 2.3.4; Football Tfrru, LARRT JOE. Houston. TX. Bible. Tronsfer from University of Houston. Beta Phi Koppa 2.3.4. Pres. 4. Doc. tylology 3.4, Timothy Club 2.3.4. Vice Pres. 4, KHCA Stoff 3,4. TUCln, lONNIE DIANNE. L.. Iftit. WY. Biology. Compus Ployers 1,2. UNDERWOOD. REIKCA LANE. florence. AL. English. Beta Tau Gamma 1.2.3,4. Treas. 2, Vice Pres. 2. Sec . 4. Alpha Chi 4; Chorale 1. Recording Chorus 2; ACappello Chorus 2,3,4; IlIOn Stoff 4; French Club 4; International Club 2; Mission Studies 1.2. Mission Intern 1; SNEA 2.3.4; Alpha Delto lambda 2. UmR, STlYEN EUGENE. Portland, 01. Accounting. Transfer from University of Maryland. Alpha Omega 4; Bison Boosters 4; German Campaign 4; Intramurals 3,4. SENIORS / 111