'IIDDT, JUDITH LYNN. Nitro, WV. Physical Education. Transfer from Ohio Valley College . Koppo Phi 3,4 ; Bison Bond 3; PEMM Club 3,4. ,.IOffln, IlENE JANET. Worm Spring., AI. Physical Educotion. Transfer from Crowley' s Ridge College. P101f1n, VICTOR LYNN. N•• port, AI. Bible. Transfer from Crowley' s Ridge College. PUllEN, IILlT MAYfiELD. Gn.nwood Spring•. MS. Speech Therapy. Transfer from Freed-Hordemon College. Chi Sigmo AJpho 4; ACoppella Chorus 3,4; Belles ond Beaux 3.4; Compus Ployers 4; Doctylology 4. PYLE, BARIlRA JEAN. 8"",mont, TX. Psychology. Ju Go Ju 1,2,3,4; Alpho Chi 4; Behavioral Science Club 3,4; KHCA Stoff 2,3 ; Chorale 1; SNEA 4; Sigmo Tau Delta 4; International Campoigns 3. REAGAN, RANCE GEOIGE. Memphl., TN. Physical Education. Kappa Sigma Kappa 1,2,3,4 ; Regina Beau 3,4; PEMM Club 4; SHEA 4, Boseball 1,2,4, Football 1,2,3,4 ; Intromurals 1.2,3,4. REESE, JOHN DOUGLAS. Sal.bury, Ihod.... Bible and French. Frater Sodalis 1,2,3. WHC Beau 2; Mission Studies 1,2,3,4, Pres. 1,2,3, Outstanding Influence 2; International Club 1,2,3,4. Recording Chorus 3. Timothy Club 1,2; Campaigns Northeast 1,2. lEESE, JOT BETH . E...., TX. Vocational Home Economics. WHC 1,2,3; AHEA 1,2; International Club 1,2,3,4; Bison Boosters 1; Chorale 1,2. Recording Chorus 1,3; Mission Studies 1,2,3,4, Sec. 3; les Bonnes de Christe 1,2,3, Pres. 3; Mission/Prepore 1; Campoigns Northeast 2. IEYNOlDS, MAlY JOya. Searcy, AI. Vocational Home Economics . Tronsfer from Chico Stote College. Theta Alpha Gamma 2,3,4; Dactylology 2; Mission Studies 2. IHODfS, IE1TH GREGSON. s.~y,AI. Chemistry. lombda Si;mo 1,2,3,4, A Cappella Chorus 1,2,3,4. IICHARDSON, LAllY JAMES. Union, MO. Business Administration. Transfer from East Central Junior College. Golaxy 3,4. IICHARDSON, nMOTHT LEE. Mm. HOlM, AI. Bible. Tronsfer from Freed-Hardemon College. RICHEY, PAUL DON. De.. l.r, MO. Actounting and Bible. Transfer from Freed-Hordemon College. Galaxy 2,3,4; A Cappello Chorus 2,3; Big Brothers 2,3; Men' s Dorm Council 3,4; Timothy Club 2,3,4. Trock 2. IICHMOND, ELllllnH A. InIM, CA. Art . Ju Ga Ju 1,2,3,4; Sob T Queen 3,4; ,.tit Jun Queen Attendant 3,4; Bison Boosters 1; Art Guild 1.2.3,4; Kappa Pi 3,4. 11CHMONO, LAliT MAil. W... Me..,.... TN. Phy~cal Education. Koppa Sigma Koppo 1,2,3,4, Pres. 4; Alpha Chi 4; Who' s Who 4; Bison Boosters 2,3; Men' s Dorm Council 3; Young Americans for Freedom 2; Football 1,2,3,4, AU-AIC 4, AI~AIA Dist.-17 4. RIDDELL, JEANmE. fI.... nc., AL. Elementary Education. Transfer from Florence State University. Zeto Rho 4. ANSWERING a Bison crossword puule requires intense concentration for Wendy Baddeley and Ken Beck. Crossword puzzles afford opportunities for friendly dates 108 / SENIORS •• . , • • , •