1973-1974 Yearbook

Student center offers moment of relaxation between class rush SIPPING cokes and eating candy Novie Mann, Chuck Heaton and Robyn Smith relax between classes. NAYLOR, IARBAH GAIL. finter. TN. Physical Education. Transfer from freed-Hordemon Co/lege. Kirei No Ai 3,4; P£MM Club 3,4; SNEA 4; Intromorols 3,4. NEAL. CATHY JlANNE. Mem,..., TN. Social Woric Phi Delta, Chorale, KHCA Staff 2.3.4. NEAL, DURA LU. Dyenburg, TN . Art . Trtlnsfer from FreedHardeman College. Delta Chi Omega 3,4; Kappa Pi 3,4. NELSON, LOIS ANN. Oak RI•• TN. Psychology . Transfer from Freed-Hardeman College. Behavioral Science Club 4; Big Sisters 4, Dactylology 3, KHCA Staff 3.4, SNEA 4. NEWSOM, DAN"Y I Crowley' s Ridge College. Chi Sigma Alpha 3,4; Alpha Chi 4; Hommon Scholarship 4; Phi Alpha Theta 3,4, Sec. 4; American Studies 3,4. MG. SIONG $I(W. Singo,..... General Science. Tronsfer from four Seas College. Lambda Sigma 3,4, Sec . 3.4; Intemotional Club 2,3.4. Vice Pres . 3; Science Club 3,4; Swimming 2,3, Water Bull Aword 2; Intramurals 2,3,4. NICHOLS, MARY NELL (PINNY). W.st Mo..., LA. Physical Education. Gata 1,2,3,4, Vice Pres. 4; PEMM Club 1,2,3,4, Treas. 3,4; Firemarsholll ; Intramurals 1,2,3,4, Softball AI~Stor 2,3,4, Basketball AII ·Stor 3. OLNET, GUNN CLYDE. Spri.. fleld, VT. Business Administration. Koinonia 1,2,3,4, Sec. 3,4, Treas, 3,4; Big Brothers 3; KHCA Stoff 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. O'NEAL, CYNTHIA SUI. Tyler, TX . Psychology. Beta Tou Gomma 1,2, Treas . 2; Shantih 4; Behavioral Science Club 2; Bison Boosters 1,2.4; JOV 4. O'NEIL, DAVID H. WiftfleW, IS. Mathematics. Knights 1,2,3,4. Campaigns Northeast 2. Intraroorols 1,2.3.4. O'IOUIKE, MICHAEL THOMAS. lon_, MT. Bible. Tronsfer from Abilene Christian College. Chorole 3,4; Recording Chorus 3,4; Timathy Club 3.4; Intraroorols 3.4. OSIIIN, CECILIA PEARl. M....phl., TN. Art . Beta Tau Gomma, ACappello Chorvs, Art Guild, Kappa Pi 2.3.4, SNEA 2.3.4, WSRO 4. OTWELL, UIEN DIANE . locktoN, IL. Elementary Education. Transfer from Vork College. SNEA 3,4. DYERIIT. MymE HOLLAND (HOllY). HoIo....Id. TN. Social Work. Transfer from Freed·Hardeman College. Kappa Kappa KaWO 3,4; liton Staff 3; Campaigns Northeast 3. OWENS, LTli THOMAS. a_", AL. Bible. Tronsfer from Freed-Hardeman College. Big Brothers 3; Dactylology 3,4 ; KHCA Stoff 3,4; Timothy Club 3.4. OWENS, NANCY DlANI. V."Hr. MO. Elementary Education. Gata 3,4. 106 I SENIORS