MITCHELL. LAliT 101EIT. Scotti..... AI. Business Administration. Tronsfer form Ohio Valley College. MOIUT. CAIOL ANN. Uttt. lod. AI. Social Science. Phi Delta 3,4; Bison Boosters 1; American Studies 3,4; Phi Alpha Theta 3,4; SHEA 4; Petit Jean Staff 4. MOFFln. GAIT DON. Searcy, A,. Biology. TNT 1,2,3,4; Science Club 1,2.3,4; Camera Clubl ,2; Band 1,2 MOON. DAYID CHESnl. St. Lool•• MO. History . Galaxy 2.3.4; Alpha Chi 4; American Studies 3,4; Phi Alpha Theta 3,4; I~ tramurals 1,2.3,4. MOONETHAM. nlESA JO. Truman. AI. Elementary Education. Gata 1,2,3,4, Sec . 2,3. Pres. 4; AHEA 1; SHEA 4; firemorshall 2; Chorale 1; Big Sisters 4; Intramurals 1,2,3.4. MOOIE. MAil EDWARD. DuNdt. LA. Business Administration. Sub T 1,2,3,4, Boseboll 1,2,3,4. MORAN. LARIY WATNE. ..... tt, YA. Bible. Transfer from Fre~rdeman College. Timothy Club 4. MORRIS. DEIORAH lAT. I.MItt. AI. Business Education. Beta Too Gemmo 2.3.4, SHEA 2,3,4. MORRIS. DONALD HATS., AR. Bible and Speech. Big Brothers 4; Campus Players 3,4; Dactylology 2.3,4; KHCA Staff 2,3; Timothy Club 2,3,4; International Campaigns 3,4. MOlllS, JAMIS KIlLY. lIoN..., AI. English. Chi ~gmo Alpho 2,3,4, Sec. 3, Vice Pres. 4; Beta Tou Gammo Beau 4; Who' s Wha 4; A Cappella Chorus 1,2,3,4; Recording Chorus 2; SHEA 4; French Club 4. MOSS. ROliN LEE. Dan"ille. IL. Bible. Transfer from FreedHardeman College. Art Guild 4; Mission Studies 4; European Campaigns 3. MUIPHY, I"" JIAN [IIIGIIJ. Ashtabula, OH. Elementary Education. Koppa Delta 1,2,3,4, Treas. 3; Big Sisters 2; Bison Bond 1,2; Recording Chours 2; Chorale 1,2,3,4; SNEA 3.4; Sigma Tou Delta 4. MTlIIS, CYNTHIA lYNN. M....,• ....." AI. Social War1< . Kappa Detta 1,2,3,4; Bisonenes 1; Behavioral Science Club 4; Bison Boasters 1,2, Chorale 2, Dactylology 1. NANCE, ANITA 10E. N. Littte Rod, AI. Elementary Education. Tafebt 1.2,3,4. Sec. 3, Pres. 3,4; Who' s Who 4; May Fete Royalty 3; SHEA 3,4, Vice Pres. 4; Big Sisters 3,4; Dactylology 1,2,3,4. MARIT. LINDA SUE. DaU••• TX. Business Education. Oage 1,3,4; May Fete Royalty 3; American Studies 4. WH, IUILYN DEAN. JeHerton Chy, MO. Bible and Biblical languages. Transfer from University of Missouri at Rolla. TNT 2,3,4, Pari. 3, Vice Pres. 4; Bison Boosters 2,3,4; Doctylology 4; German Campaign 3; Young Democarts 3; Spelu'*ers 2; KHCA Staff 4; Men' s Wing Counselor 4; Student Associotion 3,4; Timothy Club 2,3; Young Americans for Freedom 4; Interclub Council 4, Asst . Chorimon 4; Intromurals 2,3.4. DEMONSTRATING what the Big Buddy program is aU about Ron Hobelman helps Robby Roberts with a math problem. Big Buddy program demonstrates love for fatherless boys SENIORS / 105