1973-1974 Yearbook

Mcco.m. OO.OTMY IANIU SIMPSON. Me.. pIII.. TM Elementary Education. A Cappello Chorus 1,2,3,4: Recordi"9 Chorus 1.2.3, DoclylolOVf 1, SHEA MCOANln. HIII.Y IINNlY. ~ ... 1IvIf. U. Psychology. Transfer from University of Aritonsos at Monticello. King' s Mer . ; Behavioral Science Club 4. MCOINIn, JOE LIE. " •• ft.... lX. Bible. Transfer from Son Jacinto Junior College. Beta Phi Kappa 2.3,4. Vice Pres. 4; KHCA Stoff 3•• ; Timothy Cklb . ; Conodion Campaigns 3; New Zealand Campaign . ; Intramurals 2. MCDANln, liNT EDWARD. JR. ,,","W, AI. Physical Education. Tronsfer from Crowley' s Ridge Coil•. Sub T 3.4; PEMM Club 3,4; Intramurals 3,4. MCELWIIN, DAYID IRUCE, Santi! Cnn, CA. Bible. Transfer from (obrilla Junior College. Theta Alpha Gomma 2,3; Timothy Club 3,4. MCGOUGH. IICHlID AlUN. M."""mery, AL. Bible . Transfer from Troy State University. Sub T 2,3,4; Timothy Club 2,3,4; Campaigns NortIteost 2,3,4; Ju Go Ju Club Beau 3. MalE, VICKIE JO. Lexl""o,.. TN . Speech Education. Transfer from Freed-Hordemon Colleoe. SHEA 3,4; European Campaigns 3; Women' s Dorm Council 3; les Bonnes de Cmste 3. MQ1NNn. Dfl HOIIAID.............. 01. Management. ~gma Tou Sigma 1,2,3,4, Vice Pres . 3, Pres. 4; Intramurals 1.2,3.4. MOloo, JAMB lAil. Tlleal...., AL. English. TNT 1,2; Kappa Sigma Kappa 3,4; French Club 4; Intemotional Studies 3; Closs Pres. 1; SHEA 3,4; SA Cobinet 2; European Campaigns 4; Irltromurols 1,2,3,4. MCNlW, SUSAN DAU. Se....... TX. Elementary Education. Delta Theta Epsilon 2,3.4; Big Sisters 2,3,4; Bison Bond 1; Firemorshall 3; German Campaign 4; Missian Studies 1,2; SHEA 2,3,4. MANN. NAVII lOUISE......... 10. TX. English. WHC 1,2.3.4, Hist. 3, Vice Pres . 3, Pres. 4; 111011 Stoff 4; Campus Players 2. MAiKUM, filDA PAULmt. Mo,,",on, TI. Elementary Education. Tronsfer from David lipscomb College. Beto Tou Gamma 4; SHEA 4. MAinN. LINDA ANN. Lynch.". VA. Social Work. Gata 2,3,4; Alpha Tou Epsilon Queen 3,4; Bisane"es 1; Bison Boosters 1,3; JOy 4. MAmN. ~AMnA SUI. • ..... 011. TX. English. o.lto Theta Epsilon 2,3,4. Treas. 2, Vic. Pm. 3,4; Big Sisters 2,3,4; Bison Boosters 1; Chorale 1; FiremorshoIl2,3; Intemotional Studies 4; Mission Studies 3; SHEA 3,4; Creative Writing Award 2,3; Sigma Tou Delta 4. MAmN. THOMAS lOY. ~.pIor .""'. MO. Art. TNT 1,2,3,4, A Cappella Chorus 2.3.4 , Art Guild 3.4, Bison Bond 1,2,3, Pop Bond 1,2,3; Recording Chorus 2; Chorale 1; Men' s Dorm Council 1; Intromurols 1,2,3,4. MASON. ..INDA lAY. 1l11oe1o........ OH . Elementary Education. MATKlNY, nMOTHY lAiL. CoIv"'UI, OH. SPeech and Bible. lambda Sigma 1.2,3,4, Pres. 3; Debat. 1,2; Pi Kappa Delta 1,2,3; Campaigns Northeast 3; Mission Studies 1.2; Timothy Club 1,2. MATHIS. JIMMll SUl. 1Htoft, n . Elementary Education. Transfer from Freed-Hordemon College. SHEA 4; Women' s Dorm Council 4; Firernorsholl 4. MlUll, CAIOL MAlll. JeckIO"'., fL Elementary Education. Transfer from Aorido Junior Col. at Jocksonville. Omeoa Phi 3,4, Treas . 3.4, C",,",1e 3,4, SHEA 4. MIUII. GAil lYNN. Moodo. IN. Biology. Omega Phi 1,2.3,4, Pres. 2, Vice Pres. 3; Bison Boosters 1.2,3; Chorole 1; Recording Chorus 3; Science Club 1. M1UII. SUSAN LYNN. MCCOMOI...... OM. Accounting. Phi Oe~o 1,2,3,4. MILLICAN, MAl' Iml. Hope. AI. Vocational Home Economics. Ko Jo Kai 2,3.4. Pres. 3; AHEA 2.4; Bison Boosters 1; SHEA 4. MILLS. PAMlLA ANN. I."wnle, GA. Elementary Education. Transfer from Freed-Hardeman College. Kappa Delta 3.4; A Cappella Chorus 3.4. MIWPAUGH. 101111 IlA. Searcy, AI. Accounting. American Studies 3,4. 104 / SENIORS