LANE, JAMES THOMAS. Wynne, Ar. General Science. Sob T 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. LAIUE, JAMES LOVELL. 1.".....Ih, 01. Art . Transfer from York College. LAW, YALEllE VICI. GrwWt. City, IL. Dietetics. Zeta Rho 3,4; AHEA 3; Intromurals 3. LAWSON, RANDY IIUN. Mce...." AI. Social Wort<. Alpha Omega 1,2,3,4, Sec. 2, Pres . 4; ACappello Chorus 4; Behavioral Science Club 4; Big Brothers 2; Chorale 1,2; Chamber Singers 2; Young Democrats 2. LAWYEI, KENNETH EIROLl. L...... AI. Physical Education. Sob T3,4; Regino Beau 3; Big Brothers 3; Bison Boosters 1; Chorale 1; Bosketballl ,2; Football 3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4, Basketball AII·Star 3. LEDGEIWOOD, SAMUEL nLDEN. c..nill., Mo. Management. Transfer from University of Arkansas. UNDEIMAN, JEANmE CAIOL. Porogolll4. AI. Secretarial Science. Transfer from Crowley'S Ridge College. Chorale 3; SMEN( 4. usn., JANICE UY. IIch"""",, IN. Elementary Education. Kappa Phi 4; SHEA 2. UWIS, JOEL FUHClS. SHrcy, AI. Bible. Transfer from Crowley'SRidge College . Campaigns Northeast 3; Timothy Club 3,4 . LEWIS, MARY ELUN. Newport. AI. Office Administration. MEA 1. LILLARD, DAVID I. (RANDY). ComI"II AI. Accounting. Sub T 4, Chi Sigma 1,2,3; Koppa Kappa Kappa Beau 3; American Studies 2,3,4; Pi Gamma Psi 4; Golf 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 2,3,4. LDNIY, VIIGINIA CATHlIlN. Co!MOdo Spri"lll, CD. H.... Economics. Tronsfer from York College. A Cappello Charus 3,4; Bison Bond 3,4; Mission Studies 3,4; Women' s Ensemble 4. LONG, JULIE NEU. c.u.~, AI. Journalism. Sigma Tou Delto 4; lison Stoff 4; Petit JIGn Copy Editor 4. LOUGH, DANNY E. w... Mo. Accounting . TNT 1,2,3; American Studies 4; Bison Boosten 1; Baseball 1; Intromurals 1.2,3,4. LOUGH. UIEN ROEMEI. MtII, HOlM, AI. Art . Zeta Rho 1; Art Guild 1,2,3,4; Kappa Pi 3,4, Sec. 3; Petit JHII Stoff 1; Bison Boosters 1. LOWE. MELYIN EUGENE. M..... IN. Music. Transfer from Michigan Christton College. Theta Tou Delta 3,4; SMENC 3,4; A Cappello Chorus 3,4; Recording Chorus 3,4; Intromurals 3,4. LOWIEY, PAlIlCIA A. Hot Spring., AI. Social Work. Omega Phi 1,2, Sec . 2; Behavioral Science Club 1,2.3,4; Bison Boosters 1; Ooctylology 1,4; Recording Chorus 3,4. LUIE, Inn M. Searty, AI. Physical Education. Transfer from York Coil• . Kirei No Ai 3,4, Treas. 3, Vice Pres. 4; Big Sisters 3; P£MM Club 3,4; Recording Chorus 3; Spelunkers 4. LYONS. JANICE MAIlE. Co""V""y, LA. Physicol Education. Transfer from Fre~Hordemon College. Regina 3,4. MCCANN. MAIGARET MAilE. AkrOft, MI. Home Economics. WHC 3,. , AHEA 3,• . MCCASKill, GRADY E. , JI. ,.,.to, MS. Physical Education. Transfer from Freed~ardemon College. Alpha Tou Epsilon 3,4; Intramurols 3,4, Football All-Star 4. MCCLUGGAGI, DAVID ImL. lofoy...., LA. Psychology and General Business. Mohican 1,2,3,4, Vice Pres. 3; Who's Who 4; American Studies 3,4; Behavioral Science Club 2,3,4; Men's Wing CouMelor 3; Student Association 2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. MCCLUGGAGI, VIClI SUI. Ode..., TX. Speech Therapy. Theta Psi 1,2,3,4, Sec. 2, Pres. 3; Who' s Who 4; Student Association 2,3; Interclub Council 3; Saturday Bible Hour Teacher 1.2,3; Intramurals 3,4. MeaUIG. THEIBE ANN.....kY•• TN. Accounting. Theto Psi 1; Big Sisters 2; Compus Players 2,3,4; Chorale 1; KHCA Stoff 1. SENIORS / 103