Cooperation brings added benefits for science students DEMONSTRATING lab techniques Ron Scarbrough shows Louis Chan and Rocky Dunavant how to measure a solution correctly. JUSTUS, MICHAEl GENE. Uttt. lodI, AI. General Science. Chi Sigma Alpha 1,2,3,4, Sec. 2, Pres. 3; Kirei No Ai Beau 2; PreMed (I.., 1,2,3,4; Alpha (h; 4; Who's Who 3,4; Student Association 2,3,4, Men's Representative 2, Trees. 3, Pres. • ; Alpha Phi GorM'lO 3.4; lison Stoff 1,2. Assoc. Ed. 2; Alpha Phi Omega 2; Men' s Dorm Council 1; Men's Wing Counselor 3; Omicron Delta 2,3,4 . IECl, BARlnA SUE. DHipllon, Mo. Business Education. Omeoa Phi 1; American Studies 3.4; Recordino Chorus 3; SHEA 4. lILLY, GE....LD WAYNE. HUlO, 01. Accounting . Transfer from Abilene Christian College. Kappa Sigmo Kappa 2,3; Accounting Club 2,3,4; American Studies 4; Basketball 2,3.4. IIHOAll.UU, IINHETH MICHAEl , luln..,., .hoclo.... Journalism. Frater Sodolis 1,2.3,4. Pres. 3; Alpha Chi 3,4, Pres. 4; Who 's Who 4; Hammon Scholarship 4; Alpha Phi Gamma 3,4; Art Guild 2,3,4; Big Brothers 4; .itH Staff 2; Petit Jean Staff 3,4, Asst. Ed. 3, Editor 4; Omicron Delta 3,4; Men's Dorm Council ,; Internat ional Club 1,2,3.4, Vice Pres. 2. IIHHlor, OLIVIA rvOllHI [011111). CIM"." HI. Home konomics. Tafebt 1,2,3.4; Art Guild 2.3; Bison Bond 1.2; Recording Chorus 1,2. IIEFfNEI. MICHAlL DAU. ' ......W. AI. Physicol Education. Transfer from Crawley' s Ridge College. Alpha Tou Epsilon 3.4. Vice Pres. 4; PEMM Club 3.4; Interclub Council 4; Bowling 3,4; Intramurals 3.4. liNG. GIOIGIA ANN. Tox.. Oty. Tl. Elementary Education. Zeta Rho 1,2; Behavioral Science Club 2; Bison Boosters 1. liNG. W..Io. GUT. M.....I. TX. Mongement. American Studies 3,4; Big Brothers 2; KHCA Stoff 2.3. III.T. RANDALL NEIL. Littte lock. AI. Physical Education. Sub T 1.2,3.4, Vice Pres. 4; PEMM Club 4; Swimming 4; Boseball 1,2,3,4, AII·AIC 2nd Team 3, NAIA Honorable Mention 3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. 1111. JEllY RAT. EflUid". TN. Biology. Transfer from FreedHardeman College. Alpha Tou Epsilon 3.4; Science Club 4; Intramurals 3.4. IITIMIWI. 'AUL E. 0..... TX. BilMe Transfer from Southeastern Ctrislian College. ILIIN. PATIKIA ANN. Sec:vrity. CO. Special Education. Transfer from Yeri: CoUege. Theta Psi 3•• ; Recording Chorus 3; JOY • . ILEMM, STEVEN EUGENE. Security. CO. Music Education. Transfer from York Colle;e. ACappello Chorus 3,. ; Bison Bond 3,4; Stoge Bond 3•• ; Recording Chorus 3; SMENC 4. IWOI, flEOEllQ W. lowloH. Ho.. 10", Business Administration. Beta Phi Kappa 1,2.3•• ; International Club 1,2,3,.; Intramurols 1.2.3,4. lAll. MARTHA ,Jill. OII111'1lr. CO. Social Work. Delta Chi Omeoo 1,2,3,4; Debate 1,2,3,4; P; Ka""" Delta 1,2,3,4. lANE, DALE HUm•• Searcy, AI. Physical Education. Phi Delta 1,2,3; Bison Boosters 1, Chorolel ; PEMM Club 3; Bisonents 1. 102 / SENIORS