G...LLOW...Y, JlRRY I . G.I..d, TX. Account ing. Kappa Sigma Kappa 1,2,3,4, Treas. 3; Omega Phi Beau 4; Amer ican Studies 3,4; Campus Players 3,4; Young Democrats 3; Accounting Club 3,4; Celta Mu Delta 3,4; Intramurals 1.2,3,4, Football AU-Stars 4. G...NT, KEITH nWIN. Nosh..I" ..... Physics and Mathematics. Sub T 1,2,3,4; Campaigns Northeost 3,4; Alpha Chi 3,4; Intramorals 1,2,3,4. G....DNER, ....ND...LL M...RK. C,ntenln,. M... . Art. Sigma lou Sigma; Art Guild; Bison Bond 1; SNEA 4; Big Brothers 3.4; Campaigns Northeast 3. GARDNtR, SHAlON FIllOWS. St>ringfi,ld, YT. Sociol WorI<. Theta Psi 1.2,3; Chorale 1.2; Campaigns Northeast 3. GEDDlS. SH....ON IAn. Shr''''port. L.... Social Work . Tofebt 1.2,3,4; Behavioral Science Club 3,4; Big Sisters 2,3,4; Chorale I; Dactylology I ; SNEA 2. GIBSON, IAREN AYEN. Hou.ton. lX. Elementory Education. Zeta Rho 1,2,3,4, Vice Pres. 2; Alpha Chi 4; May Fete Royalty 2; Big Sisters 2; KHCA Stoff 1,2; SHEA 2,4; Alpha Delta lambda 2. GlLLm. CAROL JO. F.... no. OH. Social Science . Kappa Phi 1,2,3.4; Phi Alpho Theta 3,4; Intramurals 1.2,3,4, Softball AIIStars 1,2,3,4, Volleyball AII·Stors 1.2,3,4, Basketball AII·Stors 1,2,3. GILMORE, L...WRENCE W. li.,it,. Iloch. FL. Speech Therapy and Bible . Transfer from Southwestern Christian College. Kn ights 3,4. GllOOLY. LIND... "'NN. I' ' ' ' ' 'tt, MO. Physical Education. Kappa Phi 1,2,3,4. GUn, PEGGY M. Spri"" TX. Physical Education. Transfer from Crowley's Ridge College. PEMM Club 4; SHEA 3,4; Dactylology 3; European Campaigns 3. GOMER, ROIERT W"'YNE. lon.o. City. IS. Psychology. Transfer from Kansos City Junior College. King ' s Men 4, Sec. 4. GOODEN. TOM ED. Cora..., AR. Physical Education. Kappa Sigma Kappa 1,2,3,4; Who ' s Who 4; Omicron Delta 3,4; Trock 1,2; Footboll 1,2,3,4 , All -Ale 3,4, AII-NAIA-Dist .-17 3,4 , NAIA AI~ Americon Honoroble Mention 3, NAIA All-American lst Team 4; Intramurals 2,3.4, Basketball All-Star 2,3. GOUDE...U. RONALD EUGENE. Mldkand. TX. Speech ond Bible. Knights 1,2,3,4, Pres. 3, Vice Pres . 4; Theto Psi Beau 4; Who' s Who 4; Debate 1,2,3,4, Superior Honors at Notional Pi Kappa Delta Tournament 3; KHCA Stoff 2,3; Pi Kappa Delto 1,2,3,4; Omicron Delta 3,4; Chorale 1; Campaigns Northeast 2,3,4, Student leader 4; International Compaigns 3; Bison Boosters 1,2.3; Assistant Dorm Manager 4. GUDY. D...NNY JOE. Jock.Oft'tIlIe, AI. General Science. TNT 1,2,3,4; Big Brothers 3,4; Madrigals 3,4; Science Club 3; Men' s Wing Counselor 3.4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. GREAR, D",RLEEN JONlS. Searcy. "'R. Elementary Education. Zeta Rha 1.2; Chorale 1.2; Recording Chorus 1,2; SNEA 1; Iowa Campaigns 1,2,3. GRE...., PHILIP L. Porlltnburg. WV. Bible. Beta Phi Kappa 1,2,3,4; KHCA Siaff 2,3; Mission Studies , ; Proiect Itoly 1; Bowling 3,. ; Intramurals 1,2. RETRIEVING their arrows Stacey Ellmore and Mary Brewer check score with a view to correcting errors in aiming. Bows and arrows add extra skills, recall Sherwood tales 98 / SENIORS