... "' • •• J.' . Winning NCA accreditation, program of expansion boost third decade accomplishments The third decade of Harding's history brought great strides in scholastic endeavors along with expansion of the college plant. It was a 10 year struggle to overcome a tremendous academic hurdle - accreditation by the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools so that students' work could be accepted by other colleges. Godden Hall, which had been the center of campus activities both for Harding and for Galloway College. was torn down to make room for construction of the Administration Building. The School of American Studies was established in its new facility and the Bell Tower was constructed to house the bell from old Godden Hall. Chapel was conducted in the College Church building with two assemblies pach day. During most of this period, Harding averaged $400.000 each year in new construction including the Administration and American Studies buildings, Ganus Student Center. Beaumont Memorial Library, the Music Building, Echo Haven, Rhodes Memorial Field House. Sewell Hall, Cathcart Hall and Armstrong Hall. 8 I HISTORY