SENIORS Lab assistants give invaluable help to students during class FULfiLLING his duties as lob ossistant , Roy Miller explains the fundamentals of chemist ry to Nancy McGee. JOHNSON. VIRGINIA L. Oxncrd, Calif. French. Alpha Chi 4; Alpha lambda De/to 2; Big Sisters 2; french Club 3,4; Student Assoc~fion 4; Theta Psi 1,2,3, Vice-Pres. 3; Sec . 2. JONES, JOE DALE. Alki.. Ar• • Bible. Arona Chi . JON($, RANDAL SHAWN. Walnut Ridge, An.. Bible. Transfer from Freed-Hardeman College. JORDAN, BillY C. ludlow, III. Bible. JORGENSON, ELAINE R. South Milwaukee, Wi•. General Science . Delta Chi Omega ; Science Club ; SNEA ; les Bomes De Ct.- iste ; Bison Bond; Bison Boosters ; AHEA . kEl, GEORGINA. Columbia, S. C. Home Economics. Compus Ployers 1,2; Chora le 1,2; Dactylology 1,2; KHCA Stoff I. Spelunkers 2; OEGE 1, 2,3, Sec . 2. lULL' , ANGnA LOU. Monett , Mo. Speech . Bison Staff 4; Debate Team 1; SNEA 1; Kappa Kappa Koppa 2,3,4. KHLY, DEBORAH UT. Ft. Worth, Tn. Accounting . Transfer from Abilene Christ ian College. Kirei No Ai 3,4, Sec. 3. KENNON, NANCT RUTH. Wynne, Art. Art . WHC; Band ; Chorale; Art Guild . KILLGORE, DOUGLAS E. Baytown, Tn. Voice. ACappello Chorus 1,2,3,4; Belles & Beaux 3,4; Bison Bond 1,2,3; Campus Congress 3; Chorale 1,2; German Compaign 4; Men' s Dorm Council 2,3; Men' s Ensemble 2,3,4; Recording Chorus 1,2,3,4 ; SMENC 3,4; Stage Bond 1,2,3; Intercol legiate Band 1,2; Chi Sigma Alpha 1,2.3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. liNG, SnVEN DOUGLAS. Warren, Ohio. Bible and Biblical languoges. KHCA Stoff 3; Timothy Club 1.2; Alpha Tau Epsilon ; Intromurols 1.2,3,4. IONIIl SHERRY E. O'C1~a, Art. Home Economics. Transfer from Trinidad State Junior College. AHEA 3.4; Delta Theta Epsilon. IIW, IIITH WATNE. Parlersburg, W. Va. Bible. Transfer from Ohio Volley College . Sigma Tau Sigma 3,4; Bowl ing 3,4; Intromurals 3,4. IURRIlMlTIR, SANDRA R. Cahokia, III. Business Education. American Studies 3,4; Bison Boosters 1; Chorale 3; Recording Chorus 3; SNEA 3.4; Kappa Delta 1,2,3.4. IURI, UTHY DIANE. Poplar Bluff, Mo. Speech. Transfer from Freed·Hardeman College. LANDTHRIP, CONNIE SUI. Clark.. iII., Ark. Art . Tra nsfer from Arlcansas Tech. University. Guild 1.2,3.4. Dactylology 2; Tofebt 1.2.3,4. 90