1972-1973 Yearbook

Ccrth"ine GouW, 80, Sec., Dean of the College Betty Gr..n, Secretory , Alumni Field Sto...., Green, B., Dir. , Publications Hugh M. Groo"..., MEd, Athletic Director Mory Grove., Secretory, Science Deportment Artene Hommond, Secretory Superintendent Arten. Hommond, Sec., Academy Superintendent Corinne Hcrt, Manager, Pottie Cobb Cafeteria Bilie HenelroN, BS, Sec., Dir. of Admissions (..-01 HiJ:, Secretory , Speech Deportment W. G. Holemon, Supervisor, Maintenance Donna Hooper, Registrar's Tronscript Clerk Jud, Hopp." Secretory, Alumni Office VI".n Hyd., Sec., Academy Principal R.., J",e., IS, Director, Stephens Hall Joyce John.on, SecretOry , Dean of Men J.... D. Jonu, Sr•• Dir. , Recording Services .. J...... Manoger, Graduate Dorm ...... I ..." Bookkeeper, Business Office Aile. Ann leU.r, Asst . Oir., Publicity Office Je", Ielty, Sec., Director of Research Det.o ... h Latimer, lA, Sec.• Placement Office C..I Jln Leckliter, BA,. Secretory, library Hotel Lomu, Manager, College Inn ROle, Low,." MIA, Admissions Counselor c;.y MeC.kil, Secretary, Business Office MiI.e. S. McCo" Secretory , J.D. Boles (. W• .0...., k., Manager, College lauradry Pmtcil Mellw... Secretory, Harding Press L,_tt. _ ....., Accounts Receivable Clerk 0... M.-tI.. lA, Sec ., Vice President Glry Mort.., IA. Admissions Counselor Miry 01" Mort... Director, Heritage Dormitory Witt M.,ln. MAT, Monoger, Kellar Hell l.en M..on, Librcry Assistant lothl..n MIIn_, Sec. , Elementary School Sh..n Mhchell, Accounts Receivable Clerk MGucI. MOfttto....,." MA, Elementary Principal Jane Mu.kk, Sec.• Finoncial Aids OffICe Rktwlnt Ni••"'...., Night Watcl'fnon Edwi.. Pelce, Secretory, President W. T. 'e.rlOn, Construction Superintendent Gu, Petwa" Manager, American Heritage 48