Theda Aaron, BA, IBM Operator Idell Abel., LPN, Director, Cathcart Hall Peggie Balcer, BS, Secretary, Bible Dept. Jerome Barne., EdD, Mgr., Harbin Hall Dean Bawcom, BS, Admissions Counselor LaYerne Beach, Sec ., Home Economics Dept. Joan Berrthill, Cle"" College Bookstore RheIM Berryhll, IA., Assistant, library Luellie Ioh..non, Clerk, Post Office Haniet D. Bratley, Sec ., Health Center WHNom E. Bridge., IS, Acct ., Business Office Ronald L. lrathertan. MA, Dir. of Counseling Tommie Brown, Assistant Postmistress 11Ielma Buchanan, Director, Kendall Hall Sue Buey, Bookkeeper, BtlSiness OffICe Joyce Bullard, Secretory, Registrar Corinne BURe, BA, Assistant, Library Dovid Bum, MBA, Director of Placement Donna BUR., Secretory , Vice President Edward Burt, Monager, College Bowl Ruth Burt, Bookkeeper, Business Office Bobby L. Cohr, EdD, Oir. of Inst. Testing Mary D. Cooper. Sec., Accounting OffICe 80b J. Coritln, MEd, Research Associate Dori. Coward, BA, Secretory , Alumni Office Mattie Jean Cor, LYN, College Nurse Dovid Crouch, IS, Director, News Bureau Wmiam F. Curry, Mgr., Heritage Center Floyd Daniel, 8$, Director of Development Jame. H. Doniel, BA, Oir. of Deferred Giving Cwol uovi., Sec.• Admissions Office Lawrence Dean, Compositor Georgia H. Dulois, PBX Operator Gertrude Dyke., Asst. Mgr., Bookstore John Lee Dykes, MS. Manager, Bookstore Latina Dykes, IS. Sec ., Vice Pres. of Finance Anita Elliott, Clerk, Post Office Merle Elliott, Storeroom Allenna hans, Ibm Operator Jur.. freeman, Sec .• Business Office Poul M. Ga"'er, MS , Dir. Of Alumni Relations Ruth Goodwin, Director, Pattie Cobb Hall 47