HUMANITIES Gary Elliott writes EmUy Dickenson paper for journal Gary Elliott of the English Department had published in the March issue of the Emily Dickinson Bulletin an article entitled "The Solitary Dissenter: A Study of Emily Dickinson's Concept of God." Betty Ulrey and Joe McReynolds were added to the English Department , and Patrick Garner joined the speech faculty. Dr. Evan Ulrey served as part-time director of the Arkansas Humanities Consortium. Dr. Winfred Wright was named to Outstanding Educators of America and Dr. Dorothy Wright was named to Outstanding Young Women of America. 1. HONORARY TNT member. Joe McReynolds connot resist helping pledge Brendo Loll complete her duties . 2. ALTHOUGH giving blood is old hat for him, Ed White still gets 0 queosy feeling . 3. STUDENT teocher from Belgium, Evelyne Morchal helps her closs improve their French. 4. MYSTERIOUS Chris Stevens, alios Sammy Porker, aided KWCK rodio station during the summer. S. HAl· DING'S favorite emcee, Robert Helsten, strikes a nonchalant position by the lily pond between his social engagements. 40