T•• M. AItman.ltID Associate Professor Physicol Education 1",10 ••IIorlioId, IA Assistant Director Educ . Media Center 1k:.nI A. Johnson. BA Associate Instructor Physicol Education NY'I D. 10,..', III) Associate Professor EciJcotion Bftara G. lame., MAT Assistont Professor Physicol Education ••...,. I. Cam""l~ MAT Assistont Professor Physico IEducation lh..dorel.lloyd. MS Associate Professor Physico IEducotion IlIwn G. s...., PhD Professor Educotion J.rome M. lame., ItID Associate Professor Education Jamllf.c.r,htD Professor EOOcation Wilton T. M.ttn, MAT Instructor Physicol Eoocotion Betty Won Wat..., MA Assistant Professor EOOcation C.eI M. B..... MA Associate Professor Physicol Eoocotion Bobb, LCok., III) Assistant Professor Eoocotion Jerry Mott, MAT Assistant Professor Physicol Eoocotion Murr., W. Whon, MA Assistont Professor EciJcotion 1. GOING to the dogs is all port of the oct for Jon Brewer in 0 Children' s literature production. 2. DOING her student teaching at the Academy, Beth James gets the ideo of wlOt IOving her own closs will be like. 3. DIRlOO. of the Media Center, Jerome Barnes , studies methods of processing media . 36 Wlnnl.l. B••, MAU 5hblo, 10.1.... MSIS Assistont librarian litrarian Bolt J. Cortaln, Mill n.. botIo P. Orb•• MIS Huglo Assistont Professor Reference litrorion Physico IEciJcotion MalTY D. Olre., III) John Prod!:, MT Professor Associate Professor Physical Educotion Physicol EciJcotion