1972-1973 Yearbook

ACADEMICS Close relationships prove beneficial to students, faculty Whether alone or with others, Harding students strove to achieve unity in thought and action. Helping one another travel along life's pathway reinforced the ideals of the Christian students. Harding teachers also believed in helping. They broke the barriers which so often exist between students and instructors in many of the non-Christian in st itution s. Close student-teacher relationships on and offcampus aid in forming well-rounded individuals. Teachers or brothers - at Harding it 's all the same. 1. NEEDING help , John Howord looks to Hu Yon Teo fO( oid in finding the right book. 2. HELPING TNT with the book exchange , Knight Eugene Goudeau stamps stickers. 3. EERIE shadows set the stage for Wilson Jerkins and Tim Hocker to perform their experiment . 4. COMPLICATIONS during registration bring Som Ledgerwood momentary concern. 5. MUlTI·PURPOSE swings provide an excellent writing surface. 6. DIC· TlONARY usage helps Jack Frouenthol improve his word understanding. 7. TIME out for wrestling with a pal provides Hani Awod with a refreshing breok. 32 •