ACADEMICS Teachers meet at Camp Takodah to plan school year The 1972 fall semester began on August 18 with the annual pre-session facully conference at Camp Takodah_ Teachers and administrators met to discuss and plan the future school year. The instructional staff consisted of 96 full-time faculty members to teach the 2,095 students, giving a studentfacully ratio of 21.8. This year, 40.8 percent of the facully members held the earned doctorate, and 54.6 percent held the master's degree or higher but not the doctorate. The three recipients of Harding ' s annual Distinguished Teacher Awards were Dr. Ted Altman, Mrs. Josephine Cleveland, and Mr. Don Robinson. During the 1972 Summer session , Harding conducted an advanced studies program for outstanding students who had completed the junior year of high school and a developmental program for students who did not meet the regular admission requirements of of the college. JUDGING the floots in the Homecoming parode are Jo Cleveland and David Burks with Jim Woodruff and Mayor leslie Carmichael. 31