1972-1973 Yearbook

------ ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Cheering program organized for girls; led by sixth grade Leadership for the primary grades was displayed by the fifth and sixth grades. The fifth graders, instructed by Mrs. Helsten, expanded their knowledge of languages by the study of German. The class also directed chapel programs for parents and the grade school. The sixth grade, in addition to making their annual field trip to Little Rock, started a new cheerleading program for the girls. The class 's year under Mrs. Alexander was highlighted by their graduation from grade school into junior high. , 1. SIXTH GRADE. FRONT ROW, Green, Muncy, Shirley, Aaron, Tso. seCOND ROW, Curry, McCampbell, lloyd, Moore , Daniel. THIRD ROW, Nichols, Tindell , Reynolds , Wright, Woody, Mrs. Alexander (teacher) . FOURTH ROW, Warren , Oldham, Kiihnl , Cowart, Beavers , Allen. FIFTH ROW: Priest , White, Breshears, KeU, Moson. 2. FIFTH GRADE. FRONT ROW, Mrs. Helsten (teacher) , Burke" , Dugger, Kell , Romine, Morton, Shackelford, Sharp, Hocker, Priest , Woodruff, Bollinger, Ozbirn. SKOND ROW , Walker, Berry, Alexander, Schol , Williams , Vinson, Barry, Wright, Green , Woody, Pryor, Kelly. 3. KmEN CLUB AND CHIIRLEADERS. FRONT ROW , Kiihnl , Shirley, Coward , McCampbell , T. Priest. SECOND ROW, Pennisi , Woodward , C. Preist, Hacker, Mortin, Coker. THIRD ROW, Wright, Dugger, Woodruff, Parsons, S. Sharp, Mason . FOURTH ROW, Moore, Berry, J. Woody, Cook, Shackelford, Morton, Tindell. FIFTH ROW, l. Woody, Vinson, Wright, Green , Alexander , Kell, Romine , Nichols. 311