1972-1973 Yearbook

PERSONNEL DEANS Campbell works to develop consistent housing policies EDDIE CAMPBELL, Dean of Men, was in charge of men's housing; and in this capacity, he helped develop housing policies and procedures which were morc consistent and more business-like than previously. As Assistant Director of Admissions, he was responsible for developing a mailing program for the children of alumni to receive cards from him for their 15th through their 18th birthdays. BERNADINE EGLY doubled as a social worker and Dean of Women. She lectured to various behavioral science classes in addition to counseling women students, and attended the Christian College Conference in November. TALKtNG to her husbond George, Mrs. Egty finds the belltower convenient for a rendezvous. 26 EDDtE R. CAMPBElL, MAT BERNADtNE EGLT, MSSW