1972-1973 Yearbook

Alpha Omega Alpha - 1. Grady 2. Guthry 3. Cox 4. Henderson 5. P1Jtten, Pres. 6. lawson 7. Emmitt 8. Kelley 9. Helst.n, Sponsor 10. Com, Queen 11. Deihl 12. Rickoway 13. McCoin 14. Mclean 15. Spillmon 16. Monaffey 17. Kramer 18. Horrvnitt 1 ~ HARDING 86 Alpha Omega lifts college spirits high with 125 balloons Alpha Omega Alpha aroused school spirit at the Homecoming halftime activities by releasing 125 balloons. The club maintained school spirit by continuing to award the spirit trophy to various clubs. To display their club emblem, the members made a flag to be used at club games. Club unity and enthusiasm were demonstrated in their efforts toward the annual blood and food drives. 233