1. CLUTCHING a touchdown pass in the end zone, Sub-T ' s Doug Adams out-maneuvers his defenders. 2. HURLING the spear in the jovelin throw, David O'Neil of Knights flings the lance in hopes of a good loss. 3. TUGGING on lheir end of the rope , Phi Deltans show their effort in the coed tug-of-war contest. 4. DROPPING in a shot for a two--point ploy , Joe Myers scores in a club game for Kappo Sigma Kappo. 5. WATCHING in a:itonishment as the batter connects with the pitch, umpire Jim Berryhill stores at the boll. 6. SAILING over Ihe bar, Galaxy's David Sullens coordinates his body movements. 7. fOLLOWING through on Sullens , the bar comes falling down. 8. TOSSING the boll 01 Ihe gool is lri-Koppo's Penny Petway. 221