1972-1973 Yearbook

.. .JtI , , 1. TIliNG off on the thirteenth hole, Richord Fowler demonstrates the form that gave him third place in the AIC tournoment . 2. WATCHING the putt of Bill Fowler ore Richard Fowler, Robert Pankey , ond Coach Merritt . 3. 1972 GOLF TEAM, fRONT ROW , Muncy R. fowler , Romine , B. fowler. TOP ROW , Pouley , Coach Merritt, Pankey , Stevens. 4. AS his putt breaks toward the hole , senior Greg Pauley waits for the golf ball to drop while his teammate attends the pin. 5 HUPING freshman Nick Stevens with his grip, Coach Merritt is always on hand to give putting tips. 219