1972-1973 Yearbook

• • Southern State State College Henderson Hendri x Arkansas Tech Harding Ouachita Ozarks 1912 RESULTS 14 13 ~ 11 9 2 0 0 0 1. COMING through with his overhead, larry Christianson smashes a shot. 2. WITH his portner looking on, David Cannon returns the boll in a doubles match. 3. CONCENTRATING along with his physicol abilities David Connon illustrates good farm on a forehand shot. 4. SEEN through the rocket of his opponent, sophomore David Staggs completes a backhand placement. 5. REACHING out for a lobbed boll , Robert Sellers strives to return an opponent 's shot. 6. 1972 TENNIS TEAM FRONT ROW, Cannon , Hogins, Seliers, Staggs. BACK ROW: Freemon , Christianson, Roberts. 217