1. AnEMPTING to catch his opponent from Ouachita , freshmon Rock Meservey speeds up his pace. 2. 1972 CROSS-COUNTRY TEAM. BOnOM ROW : Ratliff, Brawn, Hollowoy, Bellis, Meservey, Shenfeld, Sewell , Woodruff . TOP ROW , Geary, Jocoby , Taylor , Welch , Embry , Meod , McGee, McClafferty , Coach lloyd. 3. ENDURANCE characterizes Harding's marathon record holder Richard Bellis. 4. COMING close to the finish of a di stance race , Bob Mead and his SoutheastMissouri University competitor make a lost dash for the tape . 5. INDIVIDUAL title champion for his third year, John Ratliff maintains his first place position. 215