1972-1973 Yearbook

': -. ~ -.. '. -" BASEBALL Harding batters and pitchers rank near top in league Captaining the club ' s offensive attack, outfielder Mike Egly had a .411 batting average and knocked in 27 runs. First baseman Russ Schramm hit .397 and four home runs, while cen· terfielder Russ Parker averaged .323. Leading the team's pitching staff was Marv Francisco with seven wins, and junior Joe Mathias was next with six victories. Mathias and Robert Helvering each maintained earned run averages below 2.75, and Francisco was among the league's leading strikeout pitchers as he fanned 77 batters. The bench held solid depth in both departments as sophomore Rance Reagan hurled 13 innings without allowing any earned runs. Reserve infielders Randy Kirby and Mark Moore each batted over .300. Dalles Howard, Russ Parker, and Terry McCormick were the starting seniors. 1. STEPPING into the pitch with his bot about to meet the ball, sophomore Russ Schromm manipulotes his wrists with coordination and skill while his farearms supply the power. 2. LOOKING at the third base coach and at the pitcher, baserunner Rance Reagan prepares himself for an attempt to steal second bose. 3. FAILING off the mound toward home plate, AII·Ale pitcher Joe Mothias watches his pitch fly toward the catcher's mitt. 213