1972-1973 Yearbook

212 l.HAYING connected squarely with the pitch, Hording first baseman Jim Hinerman continues his follow through in anticipation of a base hit. 2. STRIDING off the pitching rubber, Robert Helvering hurls the baseball as his right arm comes over with the pitch. 3. SHOUTING his instructions along the third-bose line, (ooch Dick Johnson attempts to alert the runner on second base for a possible hit-and-run play. -' - 1972 RESUlTS Ha,.", 2 UA-Monticello 3 UA-Monticello 5 Ozarks 0 Ozorks Arkansas College 11 Arkansas College Henderson 2 Henderson 10 Southern State 4 Southern State 0 Ouachita 3 Ouae ito State College 6 State College 0 Arkansas Tech 0 Arkansas Tech