1972-1973 Yearbook

BOWLING Tenpin men retain monopoly of Ale and national titles Winning its third straight national championship, the 1972 Harding bowling team also won its eighth consecutive AlC and District 17 titles. The Bison keglers have been coached by Ed Burt since 1967, and his teams have won the AlC title every year since. In the AIC roll-offs in 1972, six Harding bowlers were among the top eight, while they took the top three positions in the District. At the NAlA tournament David Hudson had the highest individual average of 210.1. Ed Back was third at 191.1, as Keith Kress finished fifth with a 190.6 average. Glenn Hanmer was eighth with a 188.1, and freshman Gary Beck bowled the tournament's highest single game with a 257 and finished fifth for the Harding squad. 209